All artwork posted on this blog are Copyright by Dave Baer, unless otherwise specified, and may not be reproduced in any form without written consent from owner. Otherwise a curse of wretched, skin itching nano-mites be upon ye!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Mark Sparacio, comic artist for Marvel and DC comics, has created a new comic series titled OMEGA PARADOX. He has cast me as one of the villains (but why? I'm such a nice guy! NO REALLY, I AM! DON'T ARGUE WITH ME!) Ummm... but anyway... Thanks Mark! You're really awesome for letting me do this! =)

Graff Canz

Something I put together for our school art show - faculty entry.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


These are sorta old but I wanted to post them up here anyway. For those of you that don't know, my roots in art stem back to my early days involved in graffiti.

This one I printed to a canvas. 

Weapon Sketches

Here are some quick sketch paints of some weapon designs. 

Axe of the Unholy

Axe of the Bewildered Blade (it's so confused it might kill you instead!)

Bone Blade of the Cloven Hoof

Wicked Scythe of Dissolution

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This is the next vintage racer I'm working on. This one is based on cars from the 1920's and 1950's with very square body panels, long chrome, and sweeping tail fins.

Vintage Racer

This is a vintage racer I designed inspired from a video by Feng Zhu, one of my favorite concept artists.
Click to enlarge

Environmental Speed Paint

Just a quickie speed paint.

Click to enlarge

Misty River

This is something I did really quick as an idea for an environment for something I'm working on.

Click to enlarge

Yaaaaay! It finally works!

Okay! Finally got this thing up and running. Gonna be updating this regularly from now on so stay tuned, I should have some kewl stuff for you to enjoy! =)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Welcome to Art by Baer!

So this is my blog! I'm just testing things out right now. Stay tuned for some art! =)